$97.00 USD

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M5 Beginning Business Boot Camp

Normally $399 - on sale for $97!

A jam-packed course to learn the basics to launch a profitable business in as little as two weeks or 15 lessons. Includes how to find a niche, identify profit margins that make sense, creating a logo and brand, building a website and much more. This course applies to ANY business in any arena, including but not limited to agriculture.


Day 1 : Got an Idea - Find Your Niche

Day 2 : Pick a Solid Name

Day 3 : Design a Logo and Brand Board

Day 4 : Write A Business Plan

Day 5 : Create an Instagram

Day 6 : Create a Facebook Page

Day 7 : Build a Website

Day 8 : Make Marketing Materials

Day 9 : How to Sell & Be Profitable

Day 10 : Start Your Email List

Day 11 : Creating Great Content

Day 12 : Editing Your Photos & Videos

Day 13 : A 30-day Content Creation Calendar

Day 14 : Setting Goals to Hit Profitability

Final : You Are Making Money! What’s Next?